Who We Are

UAARG is a student vehicle project in the Faculty of Engineering. We design and build our own UAV systems, typically of similar size to radio controlled model airplanes. Every year a system is designed, built, tested and then competed internationally. We offer the opportunity for students to put theory into practice and gain valuable design and management experience.

Some opportunities in the club include:

  • Making new friends
  • Designing airframe structures
  • Programing autopilot behavior
  • Coding on an embedded system platform
  • Creating electrical systems to power the plane
  • Traveling internationally

All of these are awesome resume boosters!

Our Sub-Teams

UAARG is composed of individual sub-teams that each work on a focused aspect of our drone. Members are encouraged to join the teams they are most interested in, but to also explore other teams to gain interdisciplinary experience. Below is is an overview of the sub teams in UAARG:


The Airframe Team designs, manufactures and assembles all of our aircraft. The team uses engineering analysis to build a model of the aerodynamics, structural requirements, and overall efficiency to inform iterative design of the aircrafts. Manufacturing of parts is done using techniques such as 3D printing, laser cutting, and CNC milling.


Autopilot focuses on the creation and maintenance of autonomous flight capabilities within the UAV and the UGV. Additionally, flight plans and Radio control for manual override of the autonomous systems are the responsibility of the autopilot team.


The Imaging Team implements computer vision algorithms and develops custom ground station software to monitor their performance in-flight. This enables our drone to navigate around obstacles and respond to visual ground markers without human intervention.