Hello from the AUVSI Student UAS competition! The 4 of us – Joe, Paul, Cindy, and Rijesh – are currently in Lexington Park, Maryland.

As you may have heard, we had some show-stopping events just before the AUVSI competition. Inconceivable, our last remaining airframe, crashed twice into the North Saskatchewan River in the days just before the AUVSI Competition.

Crash #1, with the boaters that rescued Inconceivable for us

Crash #2, when we weren’t so lucky

The causes of the crashes are as follows:

We’ve been starting to think about our next system. Because of the crashes, we are in need of a new airframe and a new camera system altogether. The EPP FPV airframe we previously had is out of stock, and we have been thinking about replacing our camera system for a while. Some ideas that have been floated for each of these include:

We are going to the awards banquet tonight; there will be a post later today about some of the events of the competition, as well as the competition results.